Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tina at 16 Weeks / 4 Months

Tina at 16 weeks. Four months down.... five to go!
At this rate, I may need to switch my camera to landscape. :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Quick Ultrasound Snapshot

Tina was at the doctor's office and he took an ultrasound photo.
Not much to see yet.... round skull, straight back... I think that's good!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Baby Names

One issue that always comes up during this time is the prospect of names. Being a true geek, I must do my research on such things as I did with Eden, so here are some stats on a few names:

John is losing popularity fast!

Tina had her heyday in the 60s.

Eden's name is growing in popularity FAST!

Selah too is becoming popular.

If we have a girl, I'm trying to get Tina to name her Vashti. Unfortunately, this name doesn't even make the charts. (Jonathon, it's never made ANY chart because it's a horrible name!)

We've somewhat settled on the name Silas if we have a boy. The name was once popular but took a dive in the 50s and 60s before gaining momentum again.

We are completely undecided on a girl's name.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

12 Weeks / 3 Months

Tina is starting to look a bit "curvy" at 12 weeks!!!
How beautiful.